Saturday, December 31, 2011

Craft Night!!

I am a big crafter, as most of you know. But I get very lonely at home with my four kids and crafting alone. So here is my solution to this big problem. Craft night! I have tried it before but it has never gone over very well, but you can't kill a girl for trying. SO, here is what I am going to do:

Feb. 25th (Saturday), 2012
Location: Unknown (depends on who is coming, will be announced 4 weeks prior)
Time: 1pm (ish)
Craft: Unknown (Will be announced 4 weeks prior)

I am just putting out a feeler for who is interested and will make more concrete plans if I get some commitments from people. Just know it will be fun, inexpensive and you can bring your kids. I will have mine. (most of them)

If there is anything you want to learn (knitting, crochet, sewing, paper craft, scrapping, card making, etc...) Let me know and I will make it happen.

I always have crafts going and would love to share it with you!!

SO, mark your calender and leave a comment of "YES, I will be there!!" (if you will bring your kids please let me know how many and how old so I can have activities and snacks available)

Don't forget your friends, they love to craft too, they just don't know it yet!

And how could you say "No" to that face? You can't! I have tried...a lot.


  1. I'm interested...just keep me posted on the details!

  2. I'll be there too! I don't think I'll bring my kids. Let me know if I can help with anything!

  3. If Patrick doesn't have to work I would love to come! For sure keep the details coming!! Mettina
