Sunday, January 8, 2012

Car Clutter Solved!!

Every time I get in the car my kids bring toys, which I make them leave in the car as I am running my errands. Well as you can guess, my car is cluttered with small toys and books. So, what did I do...I made something to fix my problem.
A bag that goes over the back of the seat in front. I am sure you have seen these before. I know I have, but I love to personalize it. The fabric, the size and even the pockets are all the way I want them. I always find things that others make and think of all the changes that I would make to it. So why not make one from scratch? When I saw this fabric I knew what I was going to if only my boys will use it.

The superhero/comic print was perfect for my boys. Now to make one for my little girl...when she needs it.

It has buttons so that it can be easily removed, yet it is large enough to just slip off. The bag is a good size for most kids books and it has 2 pockets for the random pen or flashlight. I just love these things. I don't know if I will make them to sell...maybe who knows.

It is always fun and rewarding to me to find a need, fill it and have fun doing it.

1 comment:

  1. Michele these are really, really cute. I love to star stitching--is that from your new machine? Adorable! PS am bagging a huge bunch of scraps for you, mostly flannel! XO TEREZ
