Thursday, January 8, 2015

Summer Reading List continues through Fall and Winter

Ok, I know i have been bad and not updating my reading list, but never fear the reading has not stopped! So take a moment this one will be a little long.

The last book that I told you I would read was 'Shadow on the Crown' by Patricia Bracewell. I am true to my word. I read it. The whole, gruelingly long, boring thing. Ok, that was not fair. It was not long, it just took me a while to finish. I hate to leave a book unfinished. Even if it is so boring I have to force my self to pick it up. Who knows, maybe it will surprise you and the end will make it all worth while...or in this case, it wont.

This story is based on true historical events. A young (very) noble woman is married off to the King (much, much older). The king has no faith in her or her alliances. The young queen is trusted by no one and shunned by all. Eventually she gains the love of the Kings eldest son...not good, as you can imagine.
Her attendants try to kill an children she may have. They keep her away from the king in all her duties as a wife and Queen. She has many trials as the kingdom (England) has constant threats of war with Vikings. It is one horrible thing after another and yet through it all she keeps her head high and does what is right for her kingdom first and herself second. She eventually earns the love of her people and the trust of her King.

This sounds like a good book right? That I thought. Though a story may be good the writing is what keeps you reading. A book should have a flow of ups and downs. A build up to a climax that makes you go "Wow! what a good read." This book left me feeling like I was trudging through mud just to get to the next page. There was no ups, no downs, just a constant flat land. I could put this book down for a week or more and not care what happened next, But true to my nature I did finish it. I took me forever. 

My recommendation would be to skip this one. Unless they get a better writer to make it exciting.

What came next for this reader? After a book that let me down so drastically I decided to pick one I knew could not disappoint. 'Doctor Who: Revenge of the Judoon' by Terrance Dicks.
I picked this one because I am a big DW fan and at only 102 pages it wasn't to long, it was just long enough to get me out of my book depression that the last pick put me in and, come on...Doctor Who!

If you are not a Doctor Who fan I would highly recommend you become one. Time/space travel, Sassiness, and adventure. A great combination. 

I would suggest you watch a few episodes of the current seasons on BBC, with David Tennant, to get a feel for this Doctor. 

For a book of it's size there is plenty to keep me interested. The Doctor, as he calls himself, travels time and space in a T.A.R.D.I.S. This beautiful ship brings the Doctor and his companion, Martha Jones to Balmoral in 1902. Here they meet Captain Harry Carruthers - friend of the new king, King Edward VII. Together they head for the castle to see the king - only to find that Balmoral Castle is goon, leaving a hole in the ground. The Doctor realizes it is the work of the Judoon - a race of ruthless space police.

While Martha and Carruthers seek answers in London, the Doctor finds himself in what should be the most deserted place on Earth - and he is not alone.

With help from Arthur Conan Doyle, the Doctor and his friends discover a plot to take over the world. With time running out, who will fall victim to the revenge of the Judoon?

I suggest you read this to find out what happens. It is a good quick read that brought me out of the funk that the last book cast over me. Though I am not sure that it would make a good tv episode, it did entertain me during the few lunch breaks it took to finish it.

On with the show, as it were. I told you I was a little behind.

This is the second book in the 'Skinned' series. I was not disappointed with the first book and this one continued to entertain me. 'Crashed' by Robin Wasserman is a great sequel to the first.

Lia no longer believes in before. Six months after the crash that killed her, six months after being reborn, Lia has finally accepted her new reality. She is a machine, a mech, and she belongs with her own kind. It's a wild, carefree life, without rules and without fear. Because there's nothing to fear when you have nothing left to lose.

But when a voice from her past cries out for revenge, everything changes. Lia is forced to choose between her old life and her new one. Between humans and mechs. Between sacrificing the girl she used to be and saving the boy she used to love. Even if it means he'll hate her forever.

Who couldn't love a book like that? It kept me entertained and wanting more. There where a few twists that I didn't expect and some good set ups for a few things that I hope will happen.  All I need is for the next book to show up and I will be all over it.

I diffidently recommend you read this series. It kept me entertained and I know it will you as well!

And last but not least...
I like to put lighter reads in between the more intense books. It is like exercising. You don't just keep adding weight or your brain might be crushed. So my next 'inbetweener' as I call them is another Doctor Who...I got a 4 pack. (shrugs)

This one is 'Doctor Who: Peacemaker' by James Swallow. It is a western. Sci-fi and westerns go great together, just watch Firefly if you don't believe me.

So, the peace and quiet of a remote homestead in the 1880's American West is shattered by the arrival of shadowy outriders searching for 'the healer'. When the farmer refuses to help them, they raze the house to the ground using guns that shoot bolts of energy instead of bullets...

In the town of Redwater, the Doctor and Martha learn of a snake-oil salesman whose patent medicines actually cure his patients. But when the Doctor and Martha investigate they discover the truth is stranger, and far more dangerous.

Caught between the law of the gun and the deadly plans of intergalactic mercenaries, the Doctor and Martha are about to discover just how wild the West can become.

It is entertaining read that kept me coming back for more. Being a DW fan I kinda knew where this was going. so for me it was kinda predictable, but a good adventure just the same. I am a little sad it is over but at the very least I can move on to the next adventure.

On to the next Adventure!....

I have a problem when reading books. I tend to start new series with out finishing the last, even if I have the next book in the series. Yes I like to finish the series as quickly as I can, but then I have those days where I just pick up a random book and start reading, somehow forgetting that I have a series to finish. Lets just call it 'mom brain'. 
I will not let that happen today! No sir! So that brings me to my next choice in my reading list...
'Wired' by Robin Wasserman. The final book in the 'Skinned' series. I actually grabbed another book before I remembered that I had this one. What Can I say. I got a gift card to Powell's Book Store and I couldn't help my self.

I will be finishing this series and all the others I have on my shelf if it kills me!!

So on with Wired....
She had a new Body: Mechanical, unfeeling, inhuman. She had a new life, one that would last forever. At least, it was supposed to. 

But now everything Lia though she new has turned out to be a lie; everyone she thought she loved has been stolen away. And someone is trying to get rid of the  mechs, once and for all.

Lia will risk everything to save herself and the people she can't live without. but not before facing one final truth: she can't save everyone.

.... Sounds like a good ending to me. I can't wait to find out and share my thoughts with everyone!


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