Thursday, November 11, 2010

Monthly Craft Night!!!

This months Craft Night has been pushed back because of TOFW. Which was great! So here is what you need to know about this Months Craft Night.

Saturday, November 27, 2010
@ 3pm
(For Address check out your face book invite)

We will be making: (So Far, I am working on adding more and will have a final list posted by the 22nd)

Christmas hanging flower ball.                                                          Globe Ornamant

Supplise needed:(to make one of each)

Christmas Hangining Flower Ball
        7 - 12x12 Christmas Paper (double sided) NOT CARDSTOCK
        Quardinating ribbon (Enough to hang)

Globe Ornamant
        1 - 12x12 Christmas paper (doesn't need to be double sided)
        Quardinating ribbon (enough to hang)

The globe ornamant is the perfect size for your tree or it can be made into a garland, just bring enough paper to make as many as you want. As for the Hanging Flower Ball, I will be using it as my Mistle-toe this year, but it is also great as a table topper or you can make it out of gold/silver and make a star for your tree! Each project is fun, fast and very easy!

Don't forget to bring a friend and a snack to share! We hope to see you there!!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Halloween Spirit!

There is nothing better than an excuse to make a new craft and this is what I did today. I got no insperation other than the products that were in front of me as I was trying to find a project for me and my 3 year old. So with a little bit of this and a little bit of that I came up with this.

The little witches hat is actualy a barette and I used markers to color in the 'wicked' and the small cat. They were just those little $1 pre cut wooden shapes that are un-finished.

I told my self that this was the year I would have a wreath for every holiday or season and here is my first. Halloween! I just loved all this stuff adn it was so simple. It cost a little more than I wanted but it turned out great! And the best part is that I made it removable so that I can take the decorations off the frame and yet they will stay in the right place and I can use the wire frame for the next holliday...though I will probably just spend the $3 bucks and buy another frame.
This was so fun and it only took me an hour or so to make! I am loving it!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Look What I Can Do!

Ever since I lost my job I have been looking for ways to make up my income (while I am looking for a job) and here is what I came up with.
This was my first. I just love this fabric my sister Teresa gave me.
Who doesn't Love poka dots?
Ok, so I am alittle but bias when it comes to this purse. I fell in love with the Fabric over 2 years ago and have held onto it ever since. Now I plan to make an entire purse/bag line in this fabric...just because I love it!
Have you noticed a theam in the color yet? I sware I have other fabric I just havent gotten to it yet, but can you blame me? These shopper girls are just great!
So I thought this little fish pattern was so cute! This purse is a little longer than the others. while the others are big enough for your paperback and the esentials, this larger one will hold your hardback book along with all the other stuff you have to have.
This I made for my neice, Haylie's 3rd birthday. It is so cute that I am going to make a Line of bags from this fabric Too!

So watch out for my etsy store to open up soon and I hope you enjoyed the teaser!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Monthly Craft Night For October

Monthly Craft Night!

Saturday, October 2nd, 2010
3pm to 6pm

@ 3141 se Stott Cir
Troutdale OR, 97060

R.S.V.P to
Please include the # of people coming with you, the more the better!
With Christmas coming up and our cash flow going down I have decided to focus the next 3 Craft Nights on making gifts, though you can always keep them for yourself. (They are that cute!) For October we will be making Buttercup purses. These are great for girls of all ages.

Any supplies need for all projects are your responsibility to bring. If you would like for me to supply them there will be a fee and you will be subject to my color choices. (fee would be collected no later than a week in advance)

Supplies Needed for each:
2 - Fat quarter cuts of fabric (a pre cut, pre priced fabric. Aprox $2.00 each.)
1 - Bias Tape Maxi Piping (aprox. $2.00 each) (Optional)
2 or more Buttons (matching fabric) (Optional)
1 – Magnetic clasp (Optional) (I will have Velcro)
1 – Thread to match your fabric (Aprox. $2.00)
1 – Good pair of Scissors
A Snack to share!

If you would like help finding the supplies please let me know, I am always happy to go to Joann’s with you.

If you would like me to get the supplies for you there is a Fee of $10.00 for the cost of the supplies ONLY. The Fee will be needed to be given to me no later than the Monday Before. (September 27th, 2010) You will be subject to my crafty preference if you chose this option.

If you have a sewing machine please bring it, if not don’t worry.

If you have never sewn before this is a great time to learn and an easy project to learn with.

Any Questions Please Let me know. You can Email me @

Sunday, September 5, 2010


My Blue Eyed Boy! Whatch out Ladies here comes another Heart Breaker!
How could you not love this guy? He is all smiles and giggles. Though he is a moma's boy and every moment of everyday must be spent in my lap, how can I say 'no'? He is perfect...except for those fits, is it possible to hit the terible 2's at 1yr's old? I hope that means he will grow out of it soon. I have never seen a kid do fits like him. I am guessing he is bi-polar or something because he can change from the happiest boy on the plannet to the fit king of the world! I am talking kicking, thrashing, scraming, you name it. Then 2 minutes later it is all giggle, flirt, play. What is up with my boy? I guess to get the happiest little man he must have an evil side too! Oh, but I wouldn't take him any other way!


There is a new sweety in my life and I can't get enough of him...My new nephew Jacob.
People say he looks alot like my brother, well I am glad they are all wrong (he looks like his mommy) because he would not be as cute if he did. lol!
I just want to eat those little cheeks up!

Just Like Me!

My 3yr old Henry is just like me, he hates getting his picture taken, I do try to get him as much as possible though.
And evey so often I get a good smile, even if it is covered in chocolate.

I'm a Big Boy!

My 1yr old is so cute! He wants to do everything that his big brother does and I just have to share these pic's of him in the back yard. He is trying so hard to ride this bike.

He even has Henry's helmet on!

First Craft Night

The First Craft Night went great! 4 people came (Thank you Girls!) which is way better than I was expecting. I offered a 12x12 scrap page, a few cards, a mini book and a bookmark. Though the idea was for everyone to do there own thing and just take insperation from what I made...that is how it went! All of the girls made the cards and/or book marks. So very little structure and instruction on my part. We had so much fun, I can't wait for next month. I just have to come up with another few ideas for the crafts.

So here is what I made.

I have to say a big Thank You to my sis-inlaw Stephanie for all the stampin up! and insperation!

Keep an eye out for next months crafts!

Kelbasa Egg Rolls

I was so tired of the same old kelbasa dinner and I can't have Cheese so I came up with Kelbasa Egg Rolls. How you ask? I had some wonton wrappers in the fridge that needed to be used. It didn't taste like a regular chinese egg roll and so My hubby didn't like it to much. (he kept expecting a regular egg rolls) But that aside They were fab-u-lussssss!
with a little cabbage, peppers and etc these were great! And way healthy, a little evoo to prevent sticking but other than salt and pepper the natural flavors of the vegies and kelbasa made it great!

I love making egg rolls!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Monthly Craft Night!

When I was a little girl my mother would go to a church activity once a month and come home with a few new items that she learned how to make. I could't wait to turn 18 and be able to go with her. Well, when I turned 18 the church dicided to stop that facet of the monthly activity...I was so bumbed and have trying to get with people ever since to craft.
So years later and I have yet to find a lasting Craft Night to join and so I am doing one my self! The First one is tomorrow and out of all the many, many people that said they would enjoy such a night only 2 people have agreed to come. My sister and My Husband (though men were not invited).
We will se how it goes. I have dicided to come up with the best Paper Craft to do and will post a pic as soon as I have one. I just pitty all who do not come. My crafts are great.
One perk of coming to a craft night is that you get to help in the picking of the craft for the following month. I am thinking a sewing project of some kind...we will see.

If anyone ever wants to join us on the First Saturday of Every Month for our Crafty Night let me know and I will get you the info needed.

It Begins!

When you are in school they say: 'don't give in to peer pressure' and 'be and individual', well I used to think that but as you can see I am following the current trend and Bloging. I figured since I search them as often as I do I should lend my little voice to the world out there. So here we go. I hope I do not get repetative as I so often do.