My Blue Eyed Boy! Whatch out Ladies here comes another Heart Breaker!
How could you not love this guy? He is all smiles and giggles. Though he is a moma's boy and every moment of everyday must be spent in my lap, how can I say 'no'? He is perfect...except for those fits, is it possible to hit the terible 2's at 1yr's old? I hope that means he will grow out of it soon. I have never seen a kid do fits like him. I am guessing he is bi-polar or something because he can change from the happiest boy on the plannet to the fit king of the world! I am talking kicking, thrashing, scraming, you name it. Then 2 minutes later it is all giggle, flirt, play. What is up with my boy? I guess to get the happiest little man he must have an evil side too! Oh, but I wouldn't take him any other way!
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