Sunday, September 5, 2010


My Blue Eyed Boy! Whatch out Ladies here comes another Heart Breaker!
How could you not love this guy? He is all smiles and giggles. Though he is a moma's boy and every moment of everyday must be spent in my lap, how can I say 'no'? He is perfect...except for those fits, is it possible to hit the terible 2's at 1yr's old? I hope that means he will grow out of it soon. I have never seen a kid do fits like him. I am guessing he is bi-polar or something because he can change from the happiest boy on the plannet to the fit king of the world! I am talking kicking, thrashing, scraming, you name it. Then 2 minutes later it is all giggle, flirt, play. What is up with my boy? I guess to get the happiest little man he must have an evil side too! Oh, but I wouldn't take him any other way!

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