Lets start with the cake. My sister is the go-to gal for me when it comes to cakes and she made this great cube. it was 4 layers of carrot cake, filled with a cheese cake pudding. It represents the cube that Mario hits in the game, and what should come out? The mushroom that makes you grow of coarse. I made this mushroom a plush so that my son could keep it and play with it. The cake was an 8x8x8 cake so you can imagine how big this mushroom is. I used a pattern from my other sister for the mushroom and I think it turned out great.
Goodies!! I think it is far better to send kids home with treats than with a bag of small toys that they will break and loose before the night is over. So here is what I did.
Stars, Coins, Fire, Ice, Mini Mushrooms and even yoshi Eggs (which would have dots but they kept rubbing off)
Stars - Sugar cookies with maple frosting
Coins - Chocolate coins from winco (thank you bulk section)
Fire Balls - Popcorn candy balls cherry flavor with strawberry sour straws
Ice Balls - Blue Raspberry with blue raspberry jelly bellies
Mini Mushrooms - Lemon mini cupcakes with peppermint blue frosting (it works great together)
Yoshi Egg - Chocolate Cake balls with white candy coating (though the candy coating sweats so the green dots rubbed off)
What would you put all this wonderfulness in you ask? Well, a cube of coarse.
I got some boxes from our local florist. (my mom) These boxes are 4x4x6. The florist uses them for customers who take home arrangements in vases. I added a few lines and each kid got a box of sugar to take home and torment their parents with.
We also had simple but great decorations.
Boo Balloons and streamers were all it took to top off this great party, or maybe it was the hours the kids spent playing Mario. Who knows.
What a great party! Nice job!