Saturday, January 28, 2012

What's in a photo?

Don't you just want to go! It is so beautiful. His name is Scott Ruitenbeek and he is, I hope, becoming a professional. I mean, just look at a few of what I personally love.
Camping is always better around a fire, don't you think? It calms me. Like my own personal hypnotic relaxer.
I love black and whites, don't you. This one just seems like it is the starter to a western or even horror. I can't dicide. My mind keeps bouncing back and forth. Maybe I should write a story combining the two.
It is sad that the Provo Tabernacle burned but what a great way to capture it. It looks like it could be from a castle or even from a 20's mobster movie. The inspiration is endless.
This one is just fun. Can you imagin having to fill that barn? All the hard work. It must have been very rewarding at the end of the day, having finished.

There are more pic's of coarse but these are some of my faves. I had to share them. I am planning on printing some and putting them in my home. For me a good picture is a great excape from the everyday stresses. You can get lost in a photo. You can find inspiration. You can find peace.

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