Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Quick Little Practice

I am venturing into the world of felt. Sure, I used felt as a kid, but it has been a while. So I thought I would share what I made. A cover for my iPod. I usually use a hair band to keep my ear buds and my iPod together, but as I was looking online for crafty inspiration I came across a lot of mp3 covers. So I made this. I had previously purchased a few different colors of felt 8x11's for .39 each. Using some felt flowers that I got through Stampin-up, embroidery thread, buttons and a few small beads I set to work.
I used a 1 1/2 inch button and some elastic for the closure, because, lets face it, everyone likes a big button.

I then placed my felt flowers and, depending on size, I used a button or a bead as the center. I then practiced my patience and began stitching.
And stitching. It took a few hours for me to finish (over a two day span) but I am very happy with the result. Now I think I will make one for my cell phone and maybe my Nook. Though I think I will stick to all stitching with my next project.
If you are going to attempt this your self, a note of caution. be very careful with your stitching. With the cheaper craft felt (which I used) once you make a hole there is no going back. Not to mention if you try to pull out your stitching you may make the hole bigger. I wanted to do a button hole instead of elastic for the closure but as I just said...I made a hole. But I think it turned out great and it would be a great project for young kids as well.

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